Based on the example set by the Apostles in the New Testament, we keep things extremely simple. We meet in the home as a family, and we share a potluck meal. We spend our time together in deep prayer, sharing what the Lord is doing in our lives, and encouraging one another in living in him. It's very organic and human, focused on growing in holiness together and in our personal relationships with the Lord.
We invest totally in this community, as it's out of the Sacraments, our personal prayer, and this community that the rest of our missionary efforts flow.

We believe that when grown out of the home, community building is very simple: invite people over and feed them, pray together, and the rest will grow with prayer and commitment. We help people to create communities out of their own homes in the hopes that young adults everywhere will have the vibrant faith communities that the early Church Apostles did.
Our hope is that we would not be in charge of these communities. Each home has its own leader, so with each new community is a new apostle leading a community of committed Christians. And each of these apostles can inspire others to do the same.