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Jesus commanded us to make disciples, and he told us that we would be fishers of men. The problem is that most of us modern men and women are really picky fish! Most of us don't respond to authority, to being told what to think or how to act. We respond most reliably to beauty, and what is more beautiful than a human person fully alive? Filled with joy and love, peace and hope? This is why we lead with authentic friendships. And why we regularly host fun, social events at our home.

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When we encounter God, it changes everything. We are filled with a radiant joy and a passionate love which is contagious to the people around us. This encounter is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This is why we lead retreats and programs designed to cultivate openness to the Holy Spirit.

But it isn't enough to just encounter God once. We get distracted, we get discouraged, and we forget. So we need openness to the Holy Spirit and encounter with God to become part of our everyday lives. This is why we lead small groups and faith discussion nights, why we post spiritual reflections and host times of prayer: so that we can keep the fire burning in each other.


Too often, we understand leadership purely as having a position of authority. Very few have a position of authority, but everyone has some level of influence. When we have influence with someone, they are willing to follow us. Every Christian is called to lead others to Jesus; primarily because we have experienced our own lives being changed through a personal, intimate, and powerful relationship with God. We help young adults discover the particular kind of leader God has created them to be in their communities, work places, churches and families.

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Evangelization: What We Do
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