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Our mission: In the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, to raise up and support prayerful young adult communities, young adult apostles and their apostolates.

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When was the Church most alive? When it was founded, and we see what it looked like in the New Testament. We pray that our mission will contribute to creating the fertile ground which the Holy Spirit can use to breathe life into the Church, fertile ground which resembles that of the early Church.

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When Saint Paul talked about the Church as a group of people, he taught us about the Body of Christ.  The Church can only be alive if the people in it are deeply bonded into one body, but that doesn't sound like the churches we have today.  In order for the Church to have the life she once did, we need people to be in deep community with each other where they can mutually support and encourage each other, pray together, and get to know the Lord together, growing into a body of saints.

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We're convicted by the power of spiritual multiplication. One person invests in three people, each of those invests in three people, and pretty soon sainthood is spreading like wildfire. The Lord has called each person to a very specific mission, and only when each mission is lived out will the whole Church be brought back to life and thrive. We make a point of investing in particular young adults to help them with their missions so that they can go out and bring new life to the Church in a more widespread way.

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"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Jesus - Acts Chapter 1 Verse 8

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Annual Update Video
Silvio and Maria Garcia

Annual Update Video

It has now been a little over a year since we first launched Holy Family Young Adults. It has been such an amazing year, and we wanted to share the fruits. Especially since it would never have been possible without the generous support of so many of you! As many of you know we moved to DuBois, PA last year in February to launch an independent young adult ministry in response to what we discerned to be a call from the Lord. Once the lockdowns were lifted we were able to start having our young adult outreach events. These typically consisted of some food, a bonfire, and fellowship, often involving a time of faith discussion. Through these outreach events and parish connections we got connected with young adults who desired to go deeper. They desired to spend time praying together and growing in the faith together. Two groups of young adults emerged. The first was a group for young adult parents and their kids, and the second was a group for young adults (single or married without kids) seriously committed to their faith. Both of these group gatherings involved extended times of prayer, food, fellowship, and personal faith sharing. The organic development and growth of these three groups (young adult outreach, young families, and committed young adults without children) is already more than we expected during just the first year of launching this ministry. From our own prior experience and the experience of others, this kind of fruit in the first year is usually not the case. But the Lord has really anointed our efforts this year. We were asked to run the Confirmation prep program for 35 teens locally. When we accepted, many of the young adults we had met through our events joined the team to help lead the program. It was a beautiful experience seeing the teens grow in their own personal desire for the Sacrament as opposed to simply being there because they are forced to by their families. This was particularly revealed to us as we watched almost every single one of them voluntarily stand in line to go to confession. They were not forced to go, let alone forced to stand around waiting in line, but they chose to do so even though they were free to leave. It also was an amazing experience of doing ministry with our young adults and seeing the bonding that occurred as well as a growth in confidence and excitement about the ministry to teens. Our young adults led small groups, witnessed to the teens, helped teach some of the class, and prayed for and with the teens. Our reach eventually began to spread beyond the DuBois area. Connections developed with young adults in various different areas in western Pennsylvania. This includes seven different married couples and five different single young adults. In the book of Acts Chapter 16 Verse 48 it says (about St Paul and his companions) that "they saw all the brothers and gave them some encouragement". We gather together individually with each of these married couples or single young adults and share some encouragement. This encouragement, which is often mutual, empowers each of us to continue growing in holiness, in our vocations, and in the apostolates to which God has called each of us. These relationships have borne immense fruit not only in each of our own lives, but also in the lives of those around us. We have also been blessed to lend our gifts to several of the apostolates carried out by these young adults. While doing all of this ministry we also fundraised a salary, launched a website, youtube channel, and facebook page, crafted a Confirmation program, helped with two retreats, and built connections with our parishes and the Diocese of Erie, among other things. Most recently, with the help of an accountant, we have officially become a non-profit within the State of Pennsylvania. We have a board of directors made up of mentors who have experience with ministry, Catholic and Christian lay communities, and serving on the Board of Directors for non-profit organizations. We have crafted our bylaws, and are waiting (still) for the IRS to get back to us on our 501c3 Federal Tax Exempt Status. We meet all the requirements and submitted all the paperwork so we hope to hear back soon. That, in a very compressed yet fairly large nutshell, has been how our first year of Holy Family Young Adults has gone. We seriously could not have done this without your generous support. Thank you so much for believing in us, even when we weren't even an official non-profit yet. Everything we were able to do, all the fruit in the lives of young adults and teens, and the fruit they will bear in the lives of others, was all made possible by your support. Thank you so, so much. God bless you, and please remember to pray for us even as we continue to pray daily for all of you! Also, please consider liking and sharing this video to help us continue growing and bearing even more fruit! Love, Silvio and Maria Garcia Co-Founders of Holy Family Young Adults
Celebrate the Passover with Us This Holy Thursday
Silvio and Maria Garcia

Celebrate the Passover with Us This Holy Thursday

Easter is going to be different this year, which might be tragic for many of us. We want to propose that this Easter can be the best any of us has ever had. The week of the first Easter, Jesus entered into His passion by celebrating a Passover meal with His closest friends. We can enter into this Easter by practicing the same tradition Jesus did. Passover originated when the Israelites were slaves of the Egyptians and God used ten plagues in order to free them. The Passover itself was that the angel of death which killed the firstborn of all the Egyptian families passed over the Israelite families, but to cooperate with God’s deliverance, the Israelites were instructed to have a special meal which became an important annual tradition. Through Passover, God saved the Israelites from a deadly plague. On Holy Thursday, the day Jesus celebrated Passover right before His death, we would like to share a Passover meal with you. We would like to make this Easter special in a way that we can, and we would also like to pray through our Passover meal that God would deliver us from the plague we are all experiencing today—the Coronavirus. We will be posting in a few days what food you will need to get and what time we will be coming together. On Thursday night we will sit down to the meal and you can sit down with your family and follow along. Time to be determined. Visit the event to get updates about food, time, and the livestream link:
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The Newsletter

Let us share with you the wonderful things God is doing through this ministry! Sign up for our newsletter as a way to stay in touch, find out more about what we do, and to join the growing group of people who are fueling this ministry with their prayers.

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Whether you know a young adult in the DuBois, PA area, are a young adult in the area, or live somewhere else and want to minister to young adults: we want to hear from you!


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